November 14, 2004

G4 + Tech = RIP Tech TV

Ok I have done everything I can to avoid hoping on the "Let's Bash G4TechTV" for the last few months or so, but in light of recent events I have decided to add my two cents.
First a little background. Tech TV was recently purchased by U.S. Cable giant Comcast and mergered with their sad little specialty channel dedicated to video games G4 TV.
After the merger the new channel was relabeled G4TechTV and as part of the merger G4 axed some of the most popular shows on Tech TV including Call For Help, Tech Live and Fresh Gear.
In the process of eliminating these shows several of the most popular Tech TV personalities were fired including Leo Laporte, Cat Schwartz and Jessica Corbin.
Fast forward a few months and G4 has stuck again, axing 80% of the on-air talent on the channel's most popular show The Screen Savers, and canceling Unscrewed with Martin Sargeant.
The genocide occurred on Thursday at 11 AM PST, with the effected staff being told to be out of the building a few hours later.
Among the axed was host Alex Albrecht, Mod Mad Man Yoshi, Dan Huard and Martin Sargeant. In fact the only on-air talent that survived The Screensavers cull was co-host Kevin Rose and Sarah Lane.
For regular watchers of G4TechTV, Thursday's axing should come as little surprise since the Tech has been less and less regular since G4 took control, in fact the channel has essentially been pillaged and plundered by Comcast for the better part of the last few months, still I held out a healthy optimism that Comcast would see the error of their ways and bring the tech back to fruition.
Alas it seems the naysayers were right though, as it looks like we are witnessing the slow and painful death of a true TV maverick.
Tech TV filled a void that seems to be absent on TV nowadays - Tech news and info for the masses.
RIP Tech TV you'll be dearly missed.